PROGRAMME 2024                        New visitors are very welcome!                         Click on pictures to see more                        Sunday 21st July from 2:30 p.m. onwards: We are all invited to an open afternoon in Eastcote, visiting the spacious greenhouse & garden of Martin Edwards, our treasurer. There is always much to learn from seeing how other people grow their c&s and it would be nice to meet some members who cannot make Monday evenings.  July 1st, 2024   7:45 pm Hatch End  Paul Hoxey from Cambridge will return to present  "Exploring northern Chile during an El Niño year".  This should give insights into the conditions that Chilean cacti really need  to grow, rather than just exist through bad times.  Admission £3, raffle tickets only £1.  Your sales plants will also be welcome (allow 10% comission to branch).   Please bring cacti and succulents for display in the four table show classes:  Copiapoa Group; Crassulaceae Group;  any cactus; any succulent (there is a 6 1/4" pot restriction) or any other plant of interest.  June 3rd, 2024   7:45 pm Hatch End  Julian Cooke from the Hemel Hempstead area will present  ‘Talk about the genus Echinocereus from Mexico & the USA’.  Many of us have plants without names on their labels. Please bring them along,  an Identification Table will be set aside again, for other people to try and help identify them.   Admission £3, raffle tickets only £1.  Your sales plants will also be welcome (allow 10% comission to branch).   Please bring cacti and succulents for display in the four table show classes:  Echinocereus Group; Euphorbia Group;  any cactus; any succulent (there is a 6 1/4" pot restriction) or any other plant of interest.   May 6th, 2024   7:45 pm Hatch End  If you are going away for the Bank Holiday, make sure you are back for Monday evening,  when Hazel Taylor will return to present "Plants and Animals of the Western Cape – part 1".  She explains that this was a botanical holiday with pictures including succulents,  flowering Cape bulbs and other flora from this spectacular area of South Africa.  Many of us have plants without names on their labels. Please bring them along,  an Identification Table will be set aside again, for other people to try and help identify them.   Admission £3, raffle tickets only £1.  Your sales plants will also be welcome (allow 10% comission to branch).   Please bring cacti and succulents for display in the four table show classes:  Lophophora or Stenocactus Group; Lithops Group;  any cactus; any succulent (there is a 6 1/4" pot restriction) or any other plant of interest.  Apr 1th, 2024   7:45 pm Hatch End  One of our favourite speakers, Paul Spracklin from Essex, is going to visit us again  this Easter Monday evening. We have enjoyed his travelogues from Mexico in the past, but this time he will tell us about: "The Canary Islands, part 1: the Western Islands"  and the plants that grow there - no doubt featuring Aeoniums.   Many of us have plants without names on their labels. Please bring them along, an Identification Table will be set aside again, for other people to try and help identify them.  Admission £3, raffle tickets only £1. Your sales plants will also be welcome (allow 10% comission to branch) and now in spring is a good time to buy!  Please bring cacti and succulents for display in the four table show classes:  Echinocactus Group (includes Ferocactus, etc); Gasteria Group; any cactus; any succulent (there is a 6 1/4" pot restriction) or any other plant of interest.  Mar 4th, 2024   7:45 pm Hatch End  We will have special presenters from the horticultural speaking circuit. Daniel & Jo Jackson have featured on BBC's Gardener's World for winning RHS Gold Medals at flower shows around the country with dispays of cacti & succulents. They will present their talk "Our Road to Chelsea" and will also bring some sales plants from their nursery in Surrey. Daniel holds one of the National Collections for Haworthias. Don't miss this evening which should be entertaining - we are hoping for a good turnout!   As usual, there will be a raffle and sales plants. Entrance fee is £3, a raffle ticket is £1.  Also, there will be an Identification Table at this meeting. Bring any of your plants that need identifying.  Please bring cacti and succulents for display in the four table show classes:  Lophophora or Stenocactus Group; Haworthia Group; any cactus; any succulent (there is a 6 1/4" pot restriction) or any other plant of interest.  Feb 5th, 2024   7:45 pm Hatch End  Our chairmen Derek Tribble will present a talk about the different regions of South Africa looking at what makes them distinct and which type of succulent plants grow within each. Along the way, we willl see much spectacular scenery and some of the most iconic succulents in the veld (and some sunshine!).  He will also bring some sales plants.   As usual, there will be a raffle and sales plants. Entrance fee is £3, a raffle ticket is £1.    Please bring cacti and succulents for display in the four table show classes:  Mammillaria Group; Aloe Group; any cactus; any succulent (there is a 6 1/4" pot restriction) or any other plant of interest.
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British Cactus & Succulent Society - Harrow Branch